How does the project work?
Technical university of Kosice as the lead partner is responsible for the assistance of all 4 partners/universities (University of Alicante, Technical university of Cluj-Napoca, Uzhorod national university). The project is focused mainly on the building products, whole buildings and organizations in order to determine their carbon footprint. The goal of this project is to learn all participants from different working areas, how to determine green house gas emissions, how to compare results among proposed variants in order to select the best variant with the lowest environmental impact.
The participants of the project will be chosen among students using questionnaires, among staff and teachers using interviews. Project managers will be responsible for this activity. This training activity will be carried by the lead and partner organisations and target group from each partner country will participate in this higher education course. Training activity will be held in Technical University of Kosice for 3 days. Participants from all project partners will join this training. Target group of this activity will be /academics/lecturers from each partner university and experts from state and public administration, organizations focused on environment protection, architects, designers and so on.
Training will be provided by
experts involved in the project on a given topic from each
participating university. The training will be provided by employees
at universities, state and public administration, architects and
other professionals who want to raise awareness in general in the
field of creating a carbon-neutral environment and gain experience
in determining greenhouse gas emissions and removals for
construction and other products and services.
Two days will
focus on theoretical knowledge, current state of knowledge,
legislative and normative regulations and requirements. The third
day will be devoted to the practical calculation of greenhouse gas
emissions for the selected product. The aim and result of the
activity is to acquire knowledge and skills in determining
greenhouse gas emissions and removals.
Training will be provided by
experts involved in the project on a given topic from each
participating university. The training will be provided by employees
at universities, state and public administration, architects and
other professionals who want to raise awareness in general in the
field of creating a carbon-neutral environment and gain experience
in determining greenhouse gas emissions for construction and whole buildings.
Two days
will focus on theoretical knowledge, current state of knowledge,
legislative and normative regulations and requirements. The third
day will be devoted to the practical calculation of greenhouse gas
emissions for the selected product. The aim and result of the
activity is to acquire knowledge and skills in determining
greenhouse gas emissions.
Training will be provided by
experts involved in the project on a given topic from each
participating university. The training will be provided by employees
at universities, state and public administration, architects and
other professionals who want to raise awareness in general in the
field of creating a carbon-neutral environment and gain experience
in determining greenhouse gas emissions.
Two days
will focus on theoretical knowledge, current state of knowledge,
legislative and normative regulations and requirements. The third
day will be devoted to the practical calculation of greenhouse gas
emissions for the selected organization or city. The aim and result of the
activity is to acquire knowledge and skills in determining
greenhouse gas emissions.
Case studies
The people from the project team will prepare several case studies in order to explain how to determine greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and their removals on the l evel of products (building materials and structures, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems) and organizations (operation of buildings).
A handbook how to determine greenhouse gas emissions and
removals on the level of products and organizations.Guide will be prepared in English and each
partner will be responsible for translation of the guide to their
country's language.
Determination of the greenhouse gas
emissions and removals on the level of products will be performed
on the basis of the standard ISO 14067: 2018 Greenhouse gases -
Carbon footprint of products - Requirements and guidelines. This document is also based on principles, requirements
and guidelines identified in existing International Standards on life
cycle assessment (LCA), ISO 14040 and ISO 14044.
Determination of the greenhouse gas emissions and
removals on the level of organization will be performed on the
basis of the standard ISO 14064-1:2018 Greenhouse gases. Part
1: Specification with guidance at the organization level for
quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and
determination of greenhouse gas emissions is one of the key
factors and contributes significantly to the sustainability of the
construction and operation of buildings. Therefore, the guidebook is not only for university teachers, staff, but also for environmental organizations, equipment manufacturers, building
engineers, architects and commercial property investors.
HEAD of the project
prof. Ing. Silvia VILČEKOVÁ, PhD.
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Action Type: KA220-HED
Cooperation partnerships in higher education
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